Finding Silver Linings in Health
I committed to you to communicate, communicate, communicate. Starting today, I am going to send a Friday Note to keep the lines of our communication open. Welcome to Week 1! I’ve been thinking about COVID-19, as well as the fact that October is Domestic Violence and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There isn’t much silver lining to those topics--until I thought about the fact that our mission to provide Health, Justice and Hope is in your capable hands. We are just starting the third wave of the pandemic in the U.S. The silver lining is: We are taking this seriously and have prepared the best we can. Our work continues to move forward thanks to tools like telehealth that allow us to connect people with our services. You have come up with creative ways to serve our most vulnerable. Thank you! The silver lining for breast cancer: Early detection can save lives. Health clinics have reopened for all levels of care, allowing all of us—women and men--to keep up with our r...