Friday Note: 9.24.2021
Guest writer: HR Operations and Benefits Specialist Loree McBride Collar offers six ways you can take care of yourself by taking advantage of LCSNW's benefits to help you cope, stay healthy and be well. Don't forget that you deserve just as much care and attention as you give others, so make time for yourself. Dear Staff: After working at LCSNW for almost 20 years, my favorite part of working here is still YOU! Every day, you all work really hard, do really hard work, and put your best self out there to deliver health, justice and hope to our clients, communities, and to each other. I know you have found fun ways to support each other, everything from Excellence Award nominations, wellness walks at lunchtime, fantasy football, silly notes to each other, a little treat in someone's box, a Thinking of You card, to kind words of gratitude. Keep it up! Your heart is showing! I hope you are taking care of yourself too. As the flight attendant says, "in case of a drop in cab...