
Meet Sergio Razo

I had a conversation this week with Sergio Razo, Chief Technology Officer, about our Microsoft Office 365 transformation project. With more than 1 million files already migrated, there is still work ahead to see the full benefits of this challenging change. Sergio maps out the status of the project and the steps being taken to get us past the rough spots. Please join us.  Please make recommendations of colleagues to be highlighted in the future, and leave a comment below for Sergio and David. David Health, Justice and Hope

Meet Vicky Garcia

I would like you to meet Vicky Garcia who is a mental health clinician at the Juvenile Justice Center in Kennewick where she works with youth in incarceration. Based out of our Tri-Cities offices, her approach is rehabilitative rather than punitive and her main goal is to create a safe spaces for youth. You'll quickly lean that Vicky loves the cold and appreciates the positivity and "big hearts" of her co-workers. Please join us at David's Corner.  Please make recommendations of colleagues to be highlighted in the future, and leave a comment below for Vicky and David. David Health, Justice and Hope

Meet Lori Morgan

  I had the delight recently of talking with Lori Morgan. She's a Housing Supervisor with our Everett office and works hard to place families and individuals into housing in busy Snohomish County. She also has some interesting hobbies she's passionate about, including an exotic parrot rescue. Please come join our conversation at David's Corner.  Please make recommendations of colleagues to be highlighted in the future, and leave a comment below for Lori and David. David Health, Justice and Hope

Meet Joan Nganga

I recently had an engaging conversation with Joan Nganga, Program Manager with Refugee and Immigrant Services at SeaTac and a member of our DEI Committee. She moved from Kenya in 2021 where she was a lawyer. She shared her favorite Kenyan food and her favorite work destresser ... car karaoke. She even threw me off with a request for a dad joke! Please come join our lively conversation. Please make recommendations of colleagues to be highlighted in the future, and leave a comment below for Joan and David. David Health, Justice and Hope

Meet Abraham Alam

I would like you to meet Abraham Alam, a Mental Health Clinician at our Spokane offices, who started with us as an intern before getting a graduate degree. Born in Pakistan, Abraham has been pleasantly surprised by Spokane's natural beauty. Abraham enjoys friends, running and working out for self-care, and volunteers on nonprofit boards that serve the refugee community. Please come join us. Please make recommendations of colleagues to be highlighted in the future, and leave a comment below for Abraham and David. David Health, Justice and Hope

Meet Sarah Schwartz

I had a great conversation with Sarah Schwartz recently in our McMinnville offices. She's currently an Advancement Specialist who made an interesting career change while staying here at LCSNW. We're glad she did. We talked about hot yoga, AI, chocolate budino, transitions and more. Please join us! Please make recommendations of colleagues to be highlighted in the future, and leave a comment below for Sarah and David. David Health, Justice and Hope

Meet Pam Wurtz

I'd like you to meet a delightful woman named Pam Wurtz of our Navy Respite Care program in Bremerton. Pam started with us as a social work intern and is now the Program Supervisor. She is passionate about supporting families who have special needs children with critical respite care. She is also a busy mom and Navy wife who finds work life balance through friends/family, reading and playing piano and trumpet. Please come join us! Please make recommendations of colleagues to be highlighted in the future, and leave a comment below for Pam and David. David Health, Justice and Hope