Friday Note - written by CFO Karyn Huffman
This week’s Friday Note is written by LCSNW CFO Karyn Huffman, in response to the shooting this week in Boulder, Colo. David Yet again. I imagine for some, two more mass shootings draw us into an old story or memory. Eighteen more innocent people killed by two young men with powerful guns. Six days apart. Separated by 1,422 miles of hills, rivers, trees, plains, and fields. We know the all-too-familiar rituals, this time playing out in Atlanta and Boulder. Media trucks and reporters packed like tumbleweeds jammed into a fence, waiting for the wind to shift and blow them toward the next news story. Flower bouquets, candles, crosses, teddy bears, and photos build a small mountain on the sidewalk. The fences bear witness to grief. Not again. We quietly utter or shout, “Not again.” We search for answers. We grieve. We look for justice on behalf of the victims, families, and communities. Some want lawmakers to act. Some respond with greater self-protection. Others are more...