Welcome to Friday!

I am going to focus my note today on DEI and three things:

  1. A quick recap of the 2020 DEI Plan

  2. I am asking for your input on how to take our DEI efforts local

  3. Encouragement to listen to a podcast 

2020 DEI Plan

As we wind down 2020, we’ve accomplished most of our DEI goals we set for ourselves for this year. However, we still have a LOT of work to do. I think it’s important to have a plan and communicate our progress. Please take a look at it along with our updates.  As a reminder, you can find our 2020 plan at the top of the Intranet Home page. I’ve also included the link here: DEI Action Plan2020.pdf  along with the latest update: November Update DEI Action Plan2020.pdf.  

I want to thank the current DEI Committee too, for bringing their leadership, collaboration and perspective to efforts:

With their help, we are having conversations about the kind of culture we want at LCSNW, one where difference matters, people can express themselves, and people who historically have been excluded are included.

Asking for your input

The main objective of the DEI committee in 2021 is to be intentional about taking this work locally. What does that mean?? It means the DEI committee will be taking their work to the local level. I invite you to send the committee your ideas on how we can do that and make sure we are more inclusive at the local level. How can we collaborate with you to intertwine DEI more into LCSNW culture? What information or training do you want in the area of DEI? Please email us at dei@lcsnw.org  

Encouragement to listen to a podcast 

If you have 46:52 minutes, this podcast is worth a listen. Researcher and Storyteller Brene Brown interviewed DEI Consultant and Leadership Coach Aiko Betha on inclusivity at work.  Their conversation was very helpful to me as I continue to explore how to do the work of DEI in an authentic transformational way.  I’ve included the Spotify link below. It also can be found on other podcast streaming services. 

Aiko Bethea - Inclusivity at Work -   

One take away from the podcast (there were many) was that DEI work is ongoing. Aiko said, “...the conversation doesn’t end with a ‘.’” I agree with that--there is work to be done, and its work for everyone! In that spirit, I look forward to continuing our DEI efforts; please share your ideas and story; and if you get a chance, listen in on a fascinating conversation between Brene and Aiko about DEI at work.

Health, Justice and Hope


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