Giving Thanks: A Video

This Friday's note includes a short video. We invited some people in our organization to say “thank you” in the language they grew up with and we put it together in a 3-minute video. LCSNW Thank you video.  Thank you Kaeli and Steve for putting it together so quickly! #rockstars. Also, thank you to our staff that took the time to send us a video so fast.

At LCSNW  we have an extraordinary range of backgrounds, cultures and languages, as well as in the people we serve.  Now seems like a perfectly good time to thank you for what you do every day!  I grew up in Minnesota as a good Norwegian boy eating lutefisk and lefsa.  Well - lefsa.  If you know what lutefisk is - you will understand.  My portion of the video is partly in Norwegian which was taught to me by my dear Grandparents.  I was lucky that my family felt our traditions were important to pass down while also exposing me to others from around the world.
I’d like to hear from you too. I’m inviting you to send me a short video—use your smartphone. Let me know who you are, and say a few words. Your language. Have fun. Be you. Maybe we will be making another video.  :)

What’s true, is that I am thankful to be at this organization because the best people work here and we make a difference in people’s lives. I’m thankful for your compassion and caring, for the diverse ideas and perspectives you bring to our mission, and for the relationships, you build with each other and in the community.


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