Start, Stop, Continue

We’re all engaged in a variety of activities, projects and relationships. There isn’t a lot of time left over, mainly because we’re already over-committed. If only we had a little more time, energy, and resources.

The Start, Stop, Continue exercise might help.

In this three-part Friday Note, I’m going to talk about an exercise I’m doing now with the executive team. 

We are asking ourselves three questions: What should we start doing? What should we stop doing? and What should we continue doing? We’re using this simple exercise to talk about action-oriented ideas for improvement that can be implemented right away. You can be doing this too, as you set goals for your market. [Tip: This works in your personal life too.]

Part 1: Start. These are things that would have a positive impact on our organization that we should be moving on now.

One example, I believe we need to start planning for growth in our Immigration and Refugee Services given President Biden’s U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021

Some key provisions of the Act:

·        An eight-year path to citizenship: The bill would legalize the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants already living here, if they meet certain conditions.

·        An overhaul of the family-based immigration system: Reunite families and make it easier for family-based immigration, by clearing court backlogs and expanding family case management programs.

·        Labor protections: Strengthen protections from deportation for undocumented workers.

·        An improved asylum system: Ease asylum restrictions and expedite the asylum application process.

There are other programs we’ll want to start thinking about, and there is no time like today to start. Acting now keeps our promise to deliver health, social justice and hope.

Here are two links to read more about President Biden’s immigration proposal:

LIRS document on Biden Immigration Plan

Biden Immigration Plan Fact sheet 

Next week: Part 2: Stop.   You can get a headstart by looking at your calendar and creating a Do Not Do list.  What are some things that you are doing out of habit that is getting in the way of more important things

Health, Justice and Hope


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