LCSNW Agency Core Value #1

Our Value #1: We are driven by a clear sense of purpose and mission rooted in traditions of servanthood and social justice.

It shouldn't be surprising that "mission" is mentioned in our first value since we value that shared sense of why we exist and what we do: To partner with individuals, families and communities for health, justice and hope.

LCSNW has a strong history--100 years--of social responsibility. We have always cared about the welfare of people. Our mission motivates us. It also serves as a kind of "glue" in our agency, meaning we hire people--and people stick with us--who have a servant heart and love the work we do.

There is an African proverb that says, "When you pray, move your feet." the employees who really live our value of being "driven by a clear sense of purpose and mission.." put proverbial feet to it. They take personal responsibility in seeing our mission fulfilled. They're high performers. They want to have a bigger positive impact in the community, which I appreciate because that creates growth, which gives us a chance at another 100 years.

Does this sound like someone you work with? let me know who's making things happen, either in the community or by supporting someone in the community.

I will be working on shortening our value statements so they are memorable and usable. For those of you wondering about the "social justice" portion. Don't worry - that is coming.

Value #1 Mission of Health, Justice and Hope

Next wee: value #2: We leverage our shared expertise as a diverse and culturally competent community

Health, Justice and Hope


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