LCSNW Agency Core Value #4

Value #4: We adhere to a strength-based philosophy that recognizes and builds on the assets of individuals, families, and communities

I like this value. Maybe it could be worded better but I like that it speaks to what we do and how we do it: Every day, we try to find solutions for individually specific life challenges of people living in varied vulnerable life situations. How? We look at the unique strengths of each person, not their weaknesses.

It's a choice. We could focus on problems or strengths. We choose strengths.

I'm curious to hear from you about how you bring this value to your team. How do you keep a positive approach when the work hours get long or you're dealing with an everyday problem-oriented process--because we could all very easily narrow into negativity.

I encourage us all tot ake a strength-based approach with ourselves and each other too. As we tell our clients, our strength is what sets us up for a positive life full of possibilities. We all have a unique set of talents and strengths. Let's celebrate that!

Next Week--Value #5: We work together to create a safe, nurturing, supportive work environment
Health, Justice and Hope 


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