LCSNW Agency Core Value #5

Value #5: We work together to create a safe, nurturing, supportive work environment

I see a lot of our commitment to DEI in this value. A diverse and inclusive workplace brings together different perspectives and ideas and creates an environment where all voices are welcome, heard and respected.

To be clear, "safe" is not the same as "comfortable," at least not all of the time. We want to create a safe space for hard conversations--much like we do when we counsel clients. Safety is the sense that you won't be embarrassed, shamed or punished for your opinions or ideas. For safety to live in our agency, everyone must be willing to speak honestly, tolerate some discomfort, and be willing to stay in or come back to the conversation to ultimately resolve issues. 

And like DEI, creating a safe, nurturing, supportive work environment is always evolving. We have to continue learning and evolving. The way we get better at living this value is by encouraging openness, welcoming feedback, and finding opportunities to learn.

Next week: Value #6: We seek efficiency in all operations and use of technology
Health, Justice and Hope


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