Spotlight on Mental Health - Friday Note 7/30/2021

 U.S. Olympic gymnast Simone Biles' recent withdrawal from Olympic events has put another spotlight on mental health. It seems like a good time to remind us all to prioritize our mental health and physical well-being.

Anyone that knows me knows that the pandemic over the last 18 months and continued social injustices shook me to the core. My role in keeping our agency going and everyone safe was hard. On the personal side, my father died June 29, 2019. I am the one now significantly responsible for my mother. I'm still navigating the grief of losing my dad while helping my mom.

The stress led to frustration, a sense of helplessness and anger. I lost my inner peace and wasn't sleeping. My wife, Jane, helped me realize that it was time to talk to someone about it. I took the important step to care for my mental health. For the first time in my life, I reached out to a therapist to help me.

I recognize that my talking about mental health may be uncomfortable for some of you and timely for others. I wondered myself, "Am I oversharing?" and "Is it OK for a CEO to admit he needs help" I want to share what worked for me in the hope that others will take courageous steps to mental health.

Working with my therapist, I have learned how stress affects me and is carried in my body. I now have new tools to help process and manage stress. I've started listening to more music and got back to working out, which helps have a clear mind to identify my emotions and helps me experience peace. I've made an effort to reconnect with things I believe in, including my faith and community.

In our work, we frequently talk about breaking the stigma of seeking help with mental health. I'm sharing my experience with you to do just that. If you're struggling, I encourage you to use our Employee Assistance Program and 98point6 for support. You're not alone. Working with a therapist and sharing what you're dealing with can help.

And to all therapists and mental health professionals out there--thank you for what you do--I, and many others, appreciate you!

Health, Justice and Hope


  1. David I appreciate your transparency and am glad that you reached out for support. It would be crazy to think that we can navigate all that has been happening in our personal and collective world these days without mental health support. And I realize that this is not afforded to all. I appreciate your courage in the face of adversity and also your modeling for others. Bravo.

    1. I did take stock in my privilege to access the care I did. We would like feedback on 98point6 and our EAP program to make sure everyone at LCSNW has access to meaningful mental health services. Thank you for your feedback!

  2. The more we share and support each other, the better the mental healthcare in this country (and at LCSNW) will become! Thank you for sharing this. In our work environment, it is absolutely appropriate for you to talk about your challenges, especially during an overburdened season of life. We all have difficult times. Your saying so normalizes this for all of us. We all need the reminder sometimes that it is okay to ask for help.

  3. David,
    I do so appreciate your openness and candor about the issue of mental health and am hoping that, what you have put forth, will "open the door" for others to consider what would be most supportive for them.
    It seems that our humanness, and all that we all experience (grief, uncertainty, joy, fear, hope), fosters the groundwork for knowing that we are all in this life experience together, and that this experience can produce empathy and a greater understanding for all that everyone is experiencing and will experience.

    1. I hope we can all experience greater empathy and understanding. Thank you for your very thoughtful comments.

  4. Great modeling of value, self-care and leadership. I have yet to meet you but the sharing above inspires me as a newer employee with Lutheran. I appreciate your passion, curiosity and coaching while actively modeling empathy for others.

    1. Thank you Ron. I am looking forward to meeting you.

  5. Thank you David, for sharing the inspirational message of hope and resilience.

  6. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  7. So many of us are going through it as well, but we do this together! Thanks for sharing.


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