Friday Note - 10.15.2021

The best people work at LCSNW. We do good work and have a lot of passion for helping people. Whether you work in operations or shared services, you're still helping people. COVID has made it tough to stay connected--which is hard on people who like to help people. So, for the remainder of the year, I'm going to use the Friday Note to get us together. Each week, I'll do a 2 minute lightning round with someone on our team. It could be someone who's worked with us for a long time or the last person to join us, either way, we should all get to know them a little better.

Have someone in mind? Let me know in the comments, and maybe include what they're working on or how they're making a difference.

Health, Justice and Hope


  1. Rusty Barnett is a supervisor in Spokane who always makes time to support people on the team (or probably more accurately anybody in a 50-mile radius who needs something). She might be too busy for a video these days, but she certainly deserves a shoutout for her dedication to putting people first and keeping connection central during the pandemic.

  2. Mary Joy is the supervisor of the Portland MDT team. MDT stands for "Multi disciplinary Team" and we provide mental health services to elderly and disabled people who are referred to us through Multnomah County Adult Protective Services. Mary is warm and intelligent and has a breadth of knowledge about both the population we serve and the counseling practices/interventions we need to best serve them. She's great with the logistical/management stuff without being bureaucratic (which is a nuanced and delicate walk). She's encouraging, kind and empathetic, clear about expectations and readily available when I or a team member need assistance.

  3. Harout Akdedian Portland/Banfield CVAP manager or anyone else from Team Banfield (Crime Victim Advocacy and Restorative Practices), the teeny tiny office that no one knows about :-)

  4. Rene' Bittle (Yamhill County). She works magic like no one I've seen before. (Well, maybe not literally, but she does some things I can't figure out how they are done!) And Emilie Nagle in IT. She is like a duck, paddling furiously underneath the waves, but calm and moving forward with ease. And so many more, but that's a good start.


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