Meet Senator Kayse Jama

Today let's meet Oregon State Sen. Kayse Jama, who used to be on the LCSNW staff in Portland. I'm delighted that the "guest host" is Salah Ansary, Senior Director of Advocacy and Government Affairs. He and Kayse go way back, years before Kayse became a state lawmaker in 2021. They met when Kayse was an asylum seeker from Somalia and a client of LCSNW.

Please turn on closed captions for best viewing. It's "CC" on the bar below the picture.

Please make recommendations of staff colleagues to be highlighted in a future David's Corner and leave a comment below for Salah or David.


Health, Justice and Hope


  1. Thank you for sharing. It is wonderful to see these two strong people encouraging each other and sharing their stories together. What incredible humans.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. Incredible individuals.


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