Meet Lori Morgan


I had the delight recently of talking with Lori Morgan. She's a Housing Supervisor with our Everett office and works hard to place families and individuals into housing in busy Snohomish County. She also has some interesting hobbies she's passionate about, including an exotic parrot rescue. Please come join our conversation at David's Corner. 

Please make recommendations of colleagues to be highlighted in the future, and leave a comment below for Lori and David.


Health, Justice and Hope


  1. Lori, Thank you for working to support people in housing! It is a huge need. You do amazing work!

  2. Great interview Lori! Thank you for your committed service to others through the LCSNW organization. As always David, great and informative interview in sharing the staff profiles, services, concerns, passions, and responding commitments through LCSNW's committed teams.


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